Course List | Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada


No Study program Course (click to download) Course code Course description Instructors Credits
1 Agronomy Agroecology PNA 4128 This course studies the meaning of agroecosystems, structure and functions, interactions in agroecosystems, agroecosystem analysis, agroecosystem zoning and it’s development. Dr. Ir. Budiastuti Kurniasih, M.Sc.; Ir. Sri Muhartini, SU.

Taufan Alam, SP., M.Sc.

Crop Physiology PNA20193110 This courses study the processes in crops body that are cultivated at the individual level until the population is linked to growth and yield. The effect of genetic and environmental factors on crop physiological processes is discussed. The discussion of genetic factors is more focused on differences in anatomical and morphophysiological characteristics between cultivars that affect physiological processes. The influence of environmental factors on physiological processes discussed is the influence of the physical environment in the form of water, light and temperature. Dr. Endang Sulistyaningsih; Dr. Eka Tarwaca Susila

Valentina Dwi Suci Handayani, Ph.D

Ecosystem in Agriculture PNA 1203 This course studies the interactions between organisms and the biotic and abiotic environment. Ir. Sri Muhartini, M.S.
Ir. Budiastuti Kurniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Siti Nurul Rofiqo Irwan, S.P., M.Agr., Ph.D.
Widhi Dyah Sawitri, S.P., M.Agr., Ph.D.
Valentina Dwi Suci Handayani, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Taufan Alam, S.P., M.Sc.
2 Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Agricultural Project & Business Analysis PNE20193155 The course studies about how to conduct feasibility study for agribusiness/agricultural project, starting with creating a framework, the process, techniques that can be utilized, and how to compile the study report. Prof.Dr.Ir. Irham, MSc.

Gilang Wirakusuma, S.P., MSc.

3 Soil Science Disaster Risk Reduction PNT20193037 The Disaster Risk Reduction course learns about the concepts and theories of disaster, which includes a discussion of strategies for disaster risk reduction. The Disaster Risk Reduction course is an elective course for the Study Program given in semester 6 for students of the Soil Science Study Program. This course is carried out by team teaching which is led by two lecturers. As an elective course, this course is expected to provide additional insight for students of the Soil Science Study Program related to disasters on agricultural land. Geophysical disasters such as landslides, tsunamis, and especially climate-related disasters such as floods, droughts, and extreme weather are forms of disaster that are closely related to agricultural land. These disasters, either directly or indirectly, can result in a decrease in productivity and even damage agricultural land. A disaster risk reduction strategy (DRR) is a formal basis for disaster risk reduction related to natural disasters and the establishment of strategic directions for a district, country or region to be more resilient to disasters. Therefore, this course is intended to train students to think critically in analyzing disaster events that will have an impact on agricultural land and determine strategies to reduce the risk. Junun Sartohadi, Prof. Dr. MSc. 2
4 Agricultural Microbiology Microbial Bioremediation in Agriculture PNM20193121 Agricultural soil receives a wide variety of environmental contaminants through multiple input pathways. Pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated and polybrominated biphenyls, pesticides and fertilizers, metals,and more recently, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, reach the soil through irrigation with reclaimed wastewater, application of sewage sludges and agrochemicals to combat respectively nutrient deficit of soil and pests, or even by atmospheric deposition. Bioremediation provides an attractive approach for the removal of chemical stressors and, in turn, improving biological and chemical parameters of soil quality. This course will present the example of bioremediation methodologies to clean soil using microorganisms and familiarize students with various bioremediation techniques. Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada, M.Eng., Ph.D.

Nur Akbar Arofatullah, S.P., M.Biotech., Ph.D.

Ahmad Suparmin, S.P., M.AgrSc., Ph.D.

Traditional Fermented Food of Indonesia PNM20193122 This course will present the microbiology and biotechnology of various traditional fermented food in Indonesia. Food fermentation methods arose historically from the need for the processing and preservation of food. More than anything else, man has been employing microbes for the preparation of fermented food products for thousands of years. foods and beverages constitute a significant component of human nutrition, dietary supply, and calorie intake in different parts of Indonesia. Fermentation of diverse plant and animal substrates by microorganisms and their enzymes provides desirable features, such as post-harvest preservation of perishable food materials, nutritional enrichment, bio-preservative effects, and specific health-promoting benefits. Nowadays, fermented foods and beverages are consumed not only for nutritional value, wholesomeness, or palatability but importantly for their health-beneficial functions. Nur Akbar Arofatullah, S.P., M.Biotech., Ph.D.

Ahmad Suparmin, S.P., M.AgrSc., Ph.D.

Susanti Mugi Lestari, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D.

5 Agricultural Extension and Communication Agricultural Sociology PNP 1101 This course studies the social aspects of rural community life, which includes processes, interactions, and social structures that occur in rural communities, which mostly work in agriculture. After attending the Agricultural Sociology course, students are expected to be able to explain the processes, interactions and social structures that occur in rural communities, most of whom work in agriculture. Subejo, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Ratih Ineke Wati, S.P., M.Agr., Ph.D.

Dyah Woro Untari, S.P., M.P.

6 Plant Protection Plant Protection PNH20191101 This lecture provides students with understanding the importance of crop protection in agricultural production system, pests development-losses- trading, principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), pests control measures, and examples of current pest problems in different crops. Prof.Dr.Ir. Achmadi Priyatmojo, M.Sc.

Prof.Dr.Ir. Edhi Martono M.Sc.

7 Aquaculture Marine Biology PIA 20191151 Marine Biology s compulsory course for students of Department of Fisheries including Aquacultur study program in the first semester. This course activity consists of lectures, discussions, and other assignments. The definition and scope of Marine Biology are the first topics covered in this course. Furthermore, the properties and characters of water and its role in maintaining the survival of the organism are also studied. The subsequent topics include the seabed, basic concepts in Marine Biology, and various marine ecotypes with their specific ecosystems. Dr. Alim Isnansetyo, M.Sc.

Mgs. M Prima Putra, S.Pi., Ph.D.

Physiology of Aquatic Animal PIA 20192151 Physiology of Aquatic Animals is a compulsory course for students of Aquaculture study program in the third semester. This course studies the physiology of aquatic animals. Aquatic animals are referred to as finfish, especially crustaceans and molluscs. The definition and scope of physiology will be discussed in this course, including physiological comparisons of terrestrial and aquatic animals, osmoregulation, circulation, respiration, digestion, reproduction, nervous and endocrine mechanisms in fish and shrimp and metabolism and bioenergetics. This course provides students with an understanding of various basic processes in the life of aquatic animals. As a result, students will have a strong foundation in understanding the behavior of aquatic animals, understand if there are deviations from normal conditions, and have a basis for engineering for specific purposes. Dr. Dini Wahyu Kartikasari, S.Pi., M.Si.

Indah Istiqomah, S.Pi., Ph.D

8 Acuatic Resource Management Lymnology PIM 20191132 This course introduces basic characteristics of freshwater environments (lake and reservoir). The emphasis is on scientific understanding of the dominant biotic and abiotic factors, anthropogenic activity, and management of resources in lake, reservoir, streams, and rivers. The effect of climate variability and change on freshwater environment will also be highlighted in this course. Prof. Dr. Ir. Rustadi, M.Sc.

Tony Budi Satriyo, S.Pi, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Fundamentals of Fishing PIM 1221 This course studies the basics of fishing, definition, classification of fishing gear, seasons, introduction to fishing gear and areas, types and populations of fish, introduction to fishing techniques and methods using various types of fishing gear. Dr. Ir. Djumanto, M.Sc.

Dr.rer.nat. Riza Yuliratno Setiawan, S. Kel, M.Sc.

9 Fishery Product Technology Fundamentals of Fish Technology PIT2111 Basics of Fish Technology is a compulsory course taken by students in the 3rd semester. There are no prerequisite courses to take this course. This course is designed to provide sufficient knowledge for students to understand the basics of fish technology in the context of utilizing fish as food material or raw material for the fish processing industry. This course is an introductory for other courses that related to fisheries products handling and processing in the next semester, such as Biochemical Chemistry of Fisheries Products and Thermal Process of Fisheries Products in the 4th semester, as well as Fisheries Products Handling and Fisheries Products Quality Control in the 5th semester. In this course, students will lgain knowledge related to the proper use of fish, such as nutritional value, fish perishability, fish microbiology, and the basics of processing and quality control for the development of fisheries products. Dr. Nurfitri Ekantari, S.Pi.,M.P.

Mgs. M Prima Putra, S.Pi., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Fish Nutrition PIT2123 Fish Nutrition Course (PIT 2123) is the course in the Fisheries Products Technology are given in the 3rd semester. This courses provides a comprihensve knowledge on fish as the sources of nutrition and matters related to increasing of nutrition value through fish consumption. The teaching system in this course are the combination of lectures, paper making, presentations, and discussions. Indun Dewi Puspita, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ustadi, M.P.